
Be a leader.... the rest will follow

Be a leader.... the rest will follow

I run workshops for company leaders and teams. To build confidence, encourage consistency and support career development

I have run training workshops both internally for my teams and for clients.

CEOs, MDs, sales directors, managers and graduates have all worked with me over the years. Focused on the business or communications need, I plan and prepare to ensure the workshops are focused, efficient and valuable. 



  • Workshops and training


Specialising in brand positioning and reputation management, I deliver training to CEOs and senior executives to help them crystalise their messages and personal presentation style to be effective ambassadors to all levels of stakeholder.

Media and presentation training sessions are the most frequently-requested, and I have delivered these to a number of organisations across Europe. The training sessions go beyond theoretical study to encompass both comprehensive, practical elements and strategic consultancy to build messages and stories that can be delivered with confidence.

One-to-one or group sessions, they are tailored to what is required rather than just following a templated approach.

My experience includes:

  • Media training
  • Presentation training
  • Crisis communications training
  • Media relations training
  • Social media engagement training
  • Messaging training
  • Writing training

I'm happy to contact you if you prefer - let me know how and when

Website design and copy by Rebecca Jabbar


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